Friday, January 26, 2007

Cross Country!

Cross Country!


Yup yup the title says it all…
Its this years cross country race and this year I’ve expected myself to do really well this year and hoping for a better position… but well
Hahaha…we’ll just see…

2004's Position : ?!?!
2005's Posstion : 50+
2006's Position : 30
2007’s Position : 47! Arrr!

I did not expect I was that bad!!
I was training the whole year every week!!! Its like impossible for me to get so bad…. But oh well…. I did…hahhaa…
Last year’s venue was like every same year… the banting track…
It was getting used to me…and I usually go running on that same track…. And I’ve improved really well… timing my self on that track I was like 40 min?
This year…. They switched it!! Eek!!
It was at Taman Rakyat… some place I am totally not prepared for!
Almost 80% of the journey is uphill and downhill!
So as I usually run on flat grounds I was like screwed…. Hahahah…
oh well I’ll give it a try…hehe

Well I woke up at 5.30 as I usually do..
Went downstairs and start to check my email… and well…

I’ve got like 23 new messages…
amazing but it was all from relatives

so I took my own personal effort to DELETE IT!!!

Sorry uncle and aunties… but I am actually getting a little bored of their advice…
its always the same things …

and eventually I will send the same message to all of them…hehehe :P

Don’t worry I will reply them everyone…

So I started getting ready… and put on my gear…

Check List :
Water Bottle
School shirts
Hmmm… watch
Hmmm I guess that’s it…hahaha

Well mom woke up early and got the car started cause I thought I was late!
So we sorta speeded there like some Formula 1 race car?

So I’ve gotten there at about 7am??!!
I know I know soooo early…
And I was actually surprised all of my junior prefects without me wearing my uniform even came to wish me… I was like… wow… its cool…and one even asked if i need help from him to carry my bag!! Hahahaa
That was like a little too SCARY!


I met up in a conversation with some of d juniors where said

Junior 1: Ben… are u running today?
Ben : Well yea… I always run…are you?
Junior 1 : Senior u must try to beat me!
Junior 2 : wei don’t play play la..this senior very good u know school player!
Ben : What? Where got ? (acting blur)
Junior 1 : oh yea hor… bola arr…bola apa arr?
Junior 2 : ur balls la….
Ben : *Slience*
Junior 1 : what u play arr senior ?
Tee : You 2 also donno arr!? Malu la u all
Junior 2 : why la… we seriously donno la
Ben : Hand Ball… hand ball
Junior 1 & 2 : HARH?! WHAT IS THAT?
Ben & Tee : oh shit… they seriously donno…
Tee : No wonder they are so fat…. Nvr exercise
Ben : hmmm… tee…I think they can beat u la… so don’t act …hahaha….:P
Tee : I can beat u too la
Ben : I’ll own you…
Tee : Bet? Rm 5?
Ben : fine
Junior 1 & 2 : Look there a bigger competition now…hahaha….

So as I walked around the area hearing ppl’s gossips and mostly what I hear is like “I heard this course is going to be easy”
Well…for all of u whom said that…hahaha disappointed?

All my stuff were taken care of by my friend kugkan d P.A guy…
And we actually waited till about 9 am for the race to start…

On the same time… they had the usual things like the malay prayers that almost everyone did not concentrate upon… they just keep talking…

So we were all wondering where is the start line? Hahaha and we were so surprised it was down the hill! Hahaha…


Yes!! (Form one starting line)

On your Marks
Get Set!

Wei! Don’t push la!

That was what we practically heard…
And when the croud was gone there we
were watching about 4 kids yelling for the st john! Hahaha

Well…. I’m about to start doing what I do best…run! Ahaha… for the 1st few points I kept running then I slowed down… too much up hill… and then I broke down! Hahaha!

I ended up getting a bad place…hahaha.
leg cramps and finally back pain!

But oh well…I’ve enjoyed it all and kept going without giving up… and I’m satisfied of the only thing that kept me going on and on… that was the thoughts of someone that stayed there…

I’ve got to stop here… I’m supposed to be resting! Hahaha
oh yea i won that RM 5!!!

See ya everyone


Missing YOU….

ps: Boon Caught without shirt!

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