Saturday, May 19, 2007

School is just great....

Hey everyone! haahhaha...
i know i've kept all of ya waiting... i'm sorry! hahaha..
u know examinations are on...and as usual i'm alittle busy with my things...
do enjoy the pictures!
Me : who? what? huh?
hahaha... school's always great!
Everyone scream!
a candid :)
The wacky twins , William and Satesh!
Abdullah : WHA?...!?
Donate....donate! donate or i'll rob ya!
Ben : Well Marcus.... arr...arr.... just agree okay? hahaha
Marc : okay...? huh?huh!?!??!
Mr Illusionist
Interact LSK BOD!
Science and math society :)
Juniors of LSK!

seeya everyone!

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