Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm armed with a Camera!

Hey everyone…


well… today I’m going 2 write a 3 day synopsis
Well…yes. there will be pictures posted!

Let’s start…hehe… my week has been alittle evil… with me playing around in school UNTIL!!
Mr Woon!
Asked me to do something for some stupid thing called semarak kasih
Its also known as some student profile thingy…
yup it does sound like the profiles on friendster thingy…
but well…its NOT!!...
it has so much information aboutthat student than u could ever know!

Hehe… I spent 3 days just to take every single form 5 student !
And seriously… it was actually really fun! Watching how La Sallians act infront of a camera
Where they usually say

“ Handsome Tak?”
“ eleh saya celebrity!”
“Aiyak saya buat apa?”
“wanted list ke?”
“Yee....… don’t take my photo”
“Seksi kan saya?”

Well…nmost of their lines really make me wanna puke…hahaha…
such as the last one…
its like eew….
Well… the rest of the post will be as my usuall…
Ah soh!!
Ah niu
Poser 1
Poser 2!
Pn Lily : "Hello Boys" (softly)
Prefects : harh!!??!?
Karishen : hmmm..collision theory...heheh...
Ben : ATACK!!!
The Victim of every science classes...General Bun!
Cocoban or Limau Ban
Sweep sweep sweep....
Hmmm… well everyone…

Anyway…hope u all liked the photos
Gtg everyone!


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