Sunday, January 07, 2007

Risks.... Take it!!

A lot of u have asked me…
why am I so stressed….
What happened to the old ben….
Are u alright?..

I say “this is me”… Ben…

I am what I am…
and this is how I love life the right way…the real way….

I’ve learnt to take risks beyond what people would normally do… doing this has brought me this far learning new things the hard way…the real way… unchanged and original….
I’ve had talks with my friends about taking risk and not a lot of them understand what I meant…

So now I’ll explain what I really and truly meant….
In life,we face so many problems! Uncountable blockades!
Just trying to stop you in your path…as an example…
I was stopped in my project lacking of funds to complete it…
at this point, most people would turn it down… hold on to get help….
Well… I did not…
I’ve thought of the future of what could actually happen and took the risk….
Bringing out my own funds from my pocket to take that chance
I predicted where I could get back every single cent I placed in that project after it was over…..
and the success of my project all depends if the people around me agreed on it…
in the end… that risk I took paid off… and I lost nothing…. That point of risk that I’ve taken was just a minor fact in it all…where it proves that taking risk would be the best thing…

Well in life taking risk is something normal…
Buying a pen is also taking a risk… a risk where “will the pen work?” “will it function properly?”, or even “will one day this pen stab me”… No matter what the factors involved it is still a risk….

What and how does my risk compare to your risk… the amount of risk takes count on the effect of it upon failure…such as something that everyone can compare to is such as the risk of buying a “PEN” compared to “JUMPING OUT A PLANE WITH A PARASHUTE”….

What ever we do in life…the risk is always there….
The effect on YOUR OWN FAILURE that effects the people around you… is what that brings in the highest risk…

But its nothing compared to the risk that damages yourself internally…
I’ve taken that risk…
I’ve taken falls when I’ve could have stayed and watch it all happen slowly…
I’ve fought through time’s when everyone stayed back… I’ve done the impossible…

A lot might say "Ben everyone has taken that fall before… "
well… u have fell for the right reasons…
I did not… People fall when they know they are wrong… This makes them absorb less pain…knowing they have been defeated by the right way…

Well I’ve fallen even when I had the evidence to prove to all that I was right… I have been pushed down… where others fell with their own will and moved on….

Many say… when you have fall… YOU get back up and build up again…and that is how u achieve happiness… well…. Picture this… You have been provided a Billion dollars… to build a building… and as construction went on… you’ve spent it all…and some unknown person comes in and destroy that building because of jealousy…
What do u do now?

Rebuild it?
If you’ve said yes… there’s another question for you….


No one has looked at a picture beyond what u could see…

In life build something so strong that no one could bring down… because if it is that strong.. there would not be anything in the world would even think of bringing it down...

A Strong foundation does not mean u can rise up to be strong… because its how u balance the top that matter’s in the end…

Don’t look at a picture right in front… look at it from every angle…imagine your goal and get there!

"Learn to Take risks...Then You will know what Life is really about!!! And If you are having problems.. Don’t be A Coward and Face It !!!"


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