Thursday, June 26, 2008

As cars went woooossshhhh!!!!

*Poser huh?*

Hey everyone!
Thursday's here... =3 XD

Usually known as one of the most busiest days of college
oh well... i can survive this.. =3
i arrived at college at 7.30 ish?

First comment i received...
and also followed by the extras today morning...

1. Hey ben! why hair so down..?

2. Wah new hair style?

3. your hair so long lah!

4. U've grown a magical forest on ur head.. got leprechaun?

5. Hey no gel ah?

6. u lala ah?

gosh... well... this is the story... i woke up at around 4.30?
just to get work done.. didn't get time to study yesterday...
anyway... where was I...
after completing all my work for college.=3

i got ready...
and now...
to the hair part..
i ran outta gel..
so i'm using those hair clay...

so it works wonders... but it takes time to settle... and well... that's the time i don't have....
so after putting it up...
i ran outta my house and off to college...

upon crossing the road..
cars went...woooooooshhhhh
then woooooossssshhhhh again...

with all the woooshing....
my hairfell...
HAHAHAHHAHA today... is just like dejavu....

seeee!!! i told you!!!!












seee again !!!!
















and finally....



MR $ with his usual speech to me... =3

Anyway... i better goo....


take care everyone!!
and oh yea!!

Kristine!!! hahahahahahahaha

gawd i'm evil...


1 comment:

§oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...

die u evil thing!!!