Well hello everyone!!
today was pretty bad...and funny too...
It was exam day... d Battle started with confusion... and lots of it....ahaha...
Sejarah Paper 2.... i got alittle carried away... had alittle too much energy in me..
was supposed to choose 3 questions to do...i did it all... every single one...hahaha...so there i lost marks coz the teacher would be marking d first 3 questions...where i did not do well....hahaha
other than that... i had EST paper 2...hahahaha...it was practically comedy paper coz we was a question about the planets Uranus and Venus i was like... URANUS! = YOUR ANUS.!! HAHAHA..
and the answer to that question was like " A. Uranus is much further away from Earth compared to Venus."
think about i people... its like in my term... my ass is much further from earth than venus....hahaha!!!

Anyway.... got back from school after a short lecture from my teacher Pn Jasvir... where she was telling me and informing me about tomorrow...that is d one and only..."Teachers Day."...so called to be the best day if everything goes right...and thats where i come in with d job of keeping all d performances in order and ready....
BUT!!! I just remembered that i have to prepare a time table for that short one hour...
so... in Conclusion.. thats how i looked like...
okie... arr.. let me see... yea... Michael...i know u are reading this... as usuall.. haih... tell u d truth.. relax la... dont worry about what would happen to your gf la... she's fine.. believe me....coz i asked her d....heh-heh-heh
anyway gtg everyone.. its getting late... really late...
so..hope everything would be fine tomorrow....
-Ben La Maurice Cafe-
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